February Check-In

Hello again!

This check-in won't be nearly as doom-and-gloom as the last one. I have been able to make progress on the game, and it's shockingly close to being ready! Schoolwork has taken the majority of my time this month, so most of the time I've spent on the game has been just re-familiarizing myself with my code after the long break.

The features that I have added, though, are ones that have been on the bucket-list for a while now. Most of them are pretty mundane, but they're really important; for instance, quitting from a game and going back to the title screen was impossible for a while. I won't bore you with any more details.

I currently don't have an idea for a release date for 0.7, but I imagine it won't be for another month or two since I'm only able to work on the game for about 1 day a week. Still, any progress at all is better than I was at before, and I'm really grateful for even this much! I'll keep you all updated if and when I decide on a release date.

See you later, and thanks for reading!

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